A data science tale about a coffee company

Starbucks Corporation is an American coffee company and coffeehouse chain with more than 24,000 stores across the world. This projects intends to explore the following data science problems:

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  1. Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) about Starbucks store locations for example geographical distribution of stores by country, region, ownership model, brand name etc.
  2. Find a relationship between Starbucks data with various economic and human development indices such as GDP, ease of doing business, rural to urban population ratio, literacy rate, revenue from tourist inflow and so on.
  3. Predict which countries where Starbucks does not have a store today are most suitable for having Starbucks stores (in other words in which country where Starbucks does not have a presence should Starbucks open its next store and how many).

Authors and Contributors

@aarora79, M.S. Analytics student at https://www.georgetown.edu/.

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